Financial Adviser Insights To March 23, 2023

Adviser Numbers This Week Decreased by (-4) from 15,860 to 15,856

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Key Adviser Movements This Week:

  • Net Change of advisers down (-4)

  • Net Change of +49 for 2023 YTD

  • 15 Licensee Owners had net gains for 24 advisers

  • 19 Licensee Owners had net losses for (-28) advisers

  • 3 new licensees and zero ceased

  • 5 Provisional Advisers commenced and (-2) ceased

  • Number of advisers active this week appointed / resigned: 101 (69 excluding Oracle - see *note below)

A net loss this week of (-5) advisers with more activity in the movement of advisers albeit driven by one licensee owner switching advisers to a new associated licensee.

Growth This Week

  • A new licensee appeared this week, as flagged last week. The advisers are ex Sentry and commenced with 5 advisers

  • Sequoia is up by plus 3. However, they only recruited one new adviser. The other uplift was due to the timing of switching advisers from Libertas to Interprac (Both owned by Sequoia). Libertas has only 17 advisers listed as current while Interprac has now jumped to 290

  • ASVW Holdings up by plus 3 with all advisers moving across from Consultum

  • Insignia up by 2, hiring 3 all from 3 different licensees and losing 1 adviser

  • Eleven licensee owners up by net 1 including Sambe Investments, Clime Group, Capstone and one new licensee.

Losses This Week

  • AMP Group down by (-5), losing 2 from Charter and 3 from AMP Financial Planning

  • Diverger down by (-3) all 3 from Merit Wealth

  • CBA, Morgans and Investment Alternatives all down (-2) each

  • 14 licensees down by (-1) each including Advice Evolution, Count Group, Perpetual and Morgan Stanley.

*Note: Oracle Investment Group moved 33 advisers across to a new associated licensee this week. This data is shown at a licensee level, see dashboard 1B of Adviser Fast facts. Not shown at licensee owner level as there was no net change.

Growth Over Last Three Months
As we close out the first quarter of 2023, it may be an opportune time look over the last three months. Regular readers would know that we are always a bit weary of looking at key calendar start dates such as January 1 and July 1, as often there have been significant movement just before those dates.

The table below is only showing licensee owners who have 20 or more current advisers. Members with access to the dashboards can see all licensee owners, noting that new small licensees are very dominant when included.

The list shows ASVW Holding continuing their growth with 6. It is all pretty close thereafter with 4 groups at plus 4. There are 3 groups with more than 200 advisers on the growth list including National Tax and Accountants’ Association (SMSF Advisers Network) after being hit hard due to advisers dropping out due the the FASEA Exam.

When we filter by least growth (not shown), AMP top the list at (-17) just ahead of Insignia at (-15).

Growth by licensee owner with minimum of 20 advisers. Filtered most growth over 3 months.

Life Insurance Framework Whitepaper - Now Available At Our Website

Financial Newswire and Wealth Data have come together to produce this whitepaper. It highlights the the issues and effects upon risk sales and decline of the risk writing advisers, since the introduction of the Life Insurance Framework (LIF).

To know more click on the link below

SMSF ATO Statistics Dashboards - Updated to Dec 2022 (Released March 2023)
We have updated the SMSF Statistics Dashboards which are currently free to all. We have also added some new ratios and also updated some stats with adviser numbers. Some key points include:

  • The SMSF opportunity for current advisers continues to improve albeit at a slower rate than last year

  • The rate of SMSF establishments has slowed but so to has the rate of windups

  • Total SMSF net assets at Dec 2022 was slightly down year on year

  • Net transfers (rollovers in versus rollovers out) continues to be positive but has slowed. Other stats we have indicate that industry funds have slowed their transfers out to SMSFs

  • The net admin & operational fees associated with running an SMSF have remained reasonably static over recent years.

For all the above and much more simply click on the link below

Come and join us in the Hunter Valley NSW for our Platforms, Wraps and Advice Technology Conference - A must event for advisers, licensee staff and owners, and service providers to the advice market. Click on the image for more details.

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Colin Williams

Colin is the founder of Wealth Data. A career spanning 30 years in financial services, mostly in general manager positions and consulting roles with a focus on financial advice.

Financial Adviser Insights To March 30, 2023


Financial Adviser Insights To March 16, 2023