Financial Adviser Insights, Aug 24, 2023
This week, a net loss of just one adviser, while 68 advisers either joined, resigned or switched licensees. This week we take a look at the FAAA membership stats and, how it may well be the best of times to be a financial adviser.
Financial Adviser Insights, Aug 17, 2023
This week there was a small net gain of 2 advisers, driven by a strong number of new entrants. We take a look into the changing landscape of adviser business models. Despite seeing a significant drop in the number of advisers, there has been growth in the number of licensees.
Financial Adviser Insights, Aug 10, 2023
This week we saw a small net loss of (-4) advisers, despite the addition of 9 new entrants. We also look at the advisers who have ceased this year and how they are being replaced.
Financial Adviser Insights, Aug 3, 2023
For the second time in three weeks, the net change of adviser numbers came in at zero. However, 92 advisers were either appointed or resigned and included 8 new entrants. This week, we also analyse how the calendar year is progressing and which licensee owners have gained / lost most advisers.
Financial Adviser Insights, July 27, 2023
A quieter week with only 45 advisers either resigning or being appointed and a net positive movement of 8 advisers. We also look at transfers out of industry funds into SMSFs
Financial Adviser Insights, July 20, 2023
The net movement of financial advisers this week was zero, despite 71 advisers being either appointed or resigning. We also look at the concentration of advisers in their state CBD. Super fund advisers are heavily represented in the CBD.
Financial Adviser Insights, July 13, 2023
A quieter week of adviser movement as we move into the second week of the financial year. Net movement, up by +8 with 13 new entrants. We also take a closer look at the adviser and licensees movement by our business models.
Financial Adviser Insights - Fin Year 2023 Wrap Plus Weekly Change
A very busy week as we move into the new financial year. The week saw a net loss of (-33) advisers, but the new financial year is up by +115. The post is split to give a summary of last financial year and this week’s activity. 275 advisers included in the data for the week.
Financial Adviser Insights To June 29, 2023
A loss of (-46) advisers this week as it gets close to the end of the financial year. We tend to see a surge of losses in June and afterwards a surge in appointment in July as advisers switch licensees.