Financial Advice Landscape


Overview of the financial planning / wealth landscape. Key charts cover the change in advisers numbers, key adviser movement YTD rise and impact of Micro AFSLs, share price movement year by year for major listed companies across wealth. We also include the average revenue for advisers across listed companies.

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Overview of the financial planning / wealth landscape. Key charts cover the change in advisers numbers, key adviser movement YTD rise and impact of Micro AFSLs, share price movement year by year for major listed companies across wealth. We also include the average revenue for advisers across listed companies.

Overview of the financial planning / wealth landscape. Key charts cover the change in advisers numbers, key adviser movement YTD rise and impact of Micro AFSLs, share price movement year by year for major listed companies across wealth. We also include the average revenue for advisers across listed companies.

This was the presentation at the FNW Advice, Wealth and Super Rewired May 2024